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Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)


What is Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)?

Digital Signature Certificates (DSCs) are the digital equivalent (that is electronic format) of physical or paper certificates like drivers’ licenses, passports or Aadhaar that serve as proof of identity of an individual for a certain purpose. A digital certificate can be presented electronically to prove one’s identity, to access information or services on the Internet or to sign certain documents digitally.

How to Obtain Digital Signature Certificate?

The DSC applicant should need to fill up a DSC Application form with a passport size photograph to be submitted along with identity proof and address proof.

One can directly approach Certifying Authorities (CAs) with original supporting documents and self-attested copies of documents

One can also obtain the same through a CA, using Aadhar eKYC based authentication. Here supporting documents are not required

One can also obtain the same through sub Certifying Authorities by filling up the application form and copies of documents. However, here, a letter/certificate issued by a Bank containing the DSC applicant’s information as retained in the Bank database should be presented. Such letter/certificate should be certified by the Bank Manager.

You can approach any Chartered Accountant or Company Secretary or a company providing Company formation services who will help you getting your DSC

In view of change in the process wef Jul 1, 2018, now one will need to provide one’s small video recording online during the application process


Passport size photo should be latest, Identity and Address Proofs should not be older than 2 months and they shall be self certified and attested by Bank Official

Why is DSC required?

With changing scenario, now many statutory compliance are filed electronically or online like company formation, company annual filing, other information filing, change request, Income Tax Return filing, GST Return filing etc. Similarly, bidding or tendering processes are also carried out online. While making government compliance or furnishing tender, it is required to sign the documents. When such activities are carried out electronically, they are signed or certified by your DSC which will authenticate your identify as the user or applicant.

What are different types of DSCs?

There are 3 types of DSCs as under;

Class 1: Issued to individual/private subscribers and used to confirm that the user’s name and email contact details

Class 2: Issued to the director/signatory authorities of the companies for the purpose of e-filing with the Registrar of Companies (ROC) or for Income Tax Returns or GST Returns filing

Class 3: Used for online bidding in e-auctions and online tenders anywhere in India



Estimated processing time: 2 business days after we receive all the documents
Professional Fees: ₹750 plus GST